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Apr 09, 2022
In General Discussions
Expansion, navigation, growth: these things are money. The first tool the central bank used to boost the economy and block fuel like dominoes was lowering interest rates - and companies borrowed money for years to stay high, repay debt or buy their shares. Their earnings were ruined, but their debts increased. Not only that, the company has issued bonds worth billions upon billions, a number with the lowest number, accumulating a lot of debt that it may never pay off. While the negative effects of too much money can be dangerous, not all debt deserves a bad name. Loans and debt can be mentally whatsapp phone number list used to invest, hire and increase productivity. In addition, a large amount of debt in full term - even if it is undesirable - does not automatically translate into a higher increased risk than that. Small businesses, in fact, tend to become cash strapped more easily than their larger counterparts, with some sectors that may be more vulnerable than others. And while now most of the world’s largest lenders - even in uncertain times - can be trusted to repay their debts, it’s also true that during the past economic downturn, many great men have fallen by grace.
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